How To Deal With Cyber Warfare?

How To Deal With Cyber Warfare?

The cyber warfare is a major threat to all government agencies and organizations. No country including both private and public infrastructure is safe from attacks.  Attacking a country by means of Internet will result in extreme consequences to the attacker as well as leads to collateral damage.

Cyber warfare is nothing but the use of digital attacks like viruses and hacking by one nation to interrupt the active computer systems of another, with the intention of creating loss, damage, death and destruction. Furthermore, it has the potential to convert every gadget you own into a weapon on a virtual battlefield  and its damage will be felt in the real world.

A cyber war can rapidly become a real war, with real missiles and fatalities. Winning the cyber war requires persistent vigilance and a cohesive approach that involves prevention, discovery and response.  Below, we have jotted down few norms regarding how such conflict can be avoided:


Visibility is critical to winning the cyber war because it allows you to track, monitor and understand your entire organization. Currently, most of the companies report lacking the visibility to perceive where and when attacks hit. Therefore, by constantly recording all endpoint activity, an enterprise can be assured that it has the discernibility to see and scope attacks.

Comprehend the Root Cause of Attacks

If you don’t identify the original trajectory for infection, then you’re just treating the symptoms of an attack and not the root cause. Organizations and government agencies can thwart vulnerabilities to future infections by confidently understanding the underlying cause of an attack.

Evolve to Patterns of Attack (POAs)

When compared to Indicators of Compromise (IOCs), patterns of attack are more effective and powerful. POAs has the potential to identify the entirety of an attacker’s method. On the other hand, adversaries orchestrate tactics, tools, and techniques to exploit vulnerabilities in software and subvert identified blind spots in information security solutions. POAs help you identify attacks that attempt to exploit these tactics.

Empower and Unite People  

To win the cyber war, we must first unite as a community and continue to empower against attackers and cyber criminals. Typically, adversaries use the same strategies repeatedly. Therefore, the security teams should share the lessons learned, once when they successfully defend against those attacks. By this way, the entire community can become stronger.

Therefore, by staying ahead of the game, you can prevent cyber war from becoming the next great war.

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